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Mark Robert Anderson is an author and lecturer on Islam, the Qu’ran and Muslim-Christian dialogue. He has an Masters degree from McGill University in Islamic Studies and another from Westminster Theological Seminary, and also has years of experience living in the Arab world. He has just written The Qur’an in Context: A Christian Exploration, a college textbook on understanding the Qur’an. Mark’s passion is to help people understand Islam and the challenges facing Muslims and Christians today in a way that is fair to all and to foster Muslim-Christian dialog. He lives with his wife in Vancouver, Canada.

Questions and comments are welcome.

Get in touch about booking an interview or speaking engagement, or just getting a coffee to talk.

Discover the story R
We all come to the Qur’an with some chronological story sequence in mind, however tentative—or unacknowledged. Indeed, without a basic context, the Qur’an becomes a hopeless muddle. Discover the background story of the Qur’an.

Who was Muhamed?
Discover why Muhamed's story matters for understanding Islam.

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